Various exercises


jump squat exercise

counter movement squat jump exercise

drop jump squat exercise

  • Jump Squats
  • Counter Movement Jump
  • Drop Jump
  • Repeated jumps measure the power and responsiveness and/or imbalances in thigh and calf muscles.
  • Repeated jumps on load give a power profile (P = force x speed). This data allows to analyze the quality of the force and the speed.
  • The repeated jumps in a given time give indicators on the strength endurance of the extensors and the average power.


Squat jump 24/06/24

What is RSI?

In this video, we explain to you how the reactive strength index can be relevant in the progression of an athlete

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Squat jump 30/05/24

How to perform a Depth Jump?

In this video, we explain how to best perform a depth jump on our connected performance platform

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Squat jump 24/05/24

How to do a Squat Jump?

In this video, we explain how to best perform a squat jump on our connected performance platform

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Jump Squat 14/05/24

🏋️ Various exercices 🔥

Here are the different types of exercises to perform with our platform as well as our connected application!

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Jump Squat 23/04/24

🏋️ Squat Jump (without weights) 🔥

Here’s how to do a “SQUAT JUMP” with our platform and our connected application! ✅ The exercise can be done WITH or WITHOUT weights

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Jump Squat 20/03/24

🏋️ Counter Movement Jump🔥

Here’s how to perform a “Counter Movement Jump” with our platform as well as our connected application! ✅

Voir la vidéo
Depth jump 17/03/24

🏋️ Depth Jump (with loads) 🔥

Here’s how to perform a “DEPTH JUMP” with our platform as well as our connected application! ✅

Voir la vidéo
Jump Squat 15/03/24

🏋️ Squat Jump (with loads) 🔥

Here’s how to do a “SQUAT JUMP” with our platform and our connected application! ✅ The exercise can be done WITH or WITHOUT weights

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Take control

Brief introduction to the mat grip and application.

appli_pep-its 31/10/22

The three main screens of the application

Description of the Lockeroom, Exercises, and History pages.

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bosco squat 02/11/22

Tips for Bosco Squat Jump measurements

Necessary equipment, preparation, procedure, posture...

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ressources blblio 04/11/22

Bibliographic Resources

Scientific articles on pliometry measurements.

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